Advanced Tab
You may alter the Include files. This is a single file mask which is generally "*.*". You can use any other valid Windows file mask such as *.doc or file*.* or file??.doc? etc. You also may select as many as you want by separating them with a semi colon (no spaces). For example: *.docx;*.xlsx
Select the files you wish to exclude from the backup using standard Windows file masks. This is commonly set to "*.tmp" (or "*.tmp;~$*.docx;*.bak" if you use MSWord) to exclude temporary files from the backup. You may select as many as you want by separating them with a semi colon (no spaces). For example: *.tmp;log.txt;*.suo;cache???.*
You may also select any folders to exclude from the backup using standard Windows file masks. This is generally left blank, but you may select as many as you want by separating them with a semi colon (no spaces). Do not specify full paths. For example: logs;temp*;bin;obj
Note on File Masks: * means any number of characters; ? means any 1 character. They may be used in any combination.
Specify the maximum size of files to copy. The letters K,M and G are converted to the appropriate number of zeros.
Run on copy is generally left blank. If you wish to have an external program do some processing on the file, such as encoding, image processing or encrypting, then provide a program to run. This application will be passed the original filename (using place marker {0}) and the backup destination name (using place marker {1}). ie c:\apps\encodeit.exe -c "{0}" "{1}". If Copy file first is ticked then AutoVer will copy the file before running the application. If not, it is up to your application to do the copying.
Settling Time is the time in seconds after the last file activity finished before AutoVer determines what just occurred and perform the file copy/rename/delete etc. Generally the minimum of 1 second is sufficient. If your application takes time to create temp files, do some processing and then finish writing the file, you may require a slightly longer time so AutoVer does not try to backup before your app is finished. Analysis of the AutoVer log in Debug mode will show the timing which you can then work out what is best.
If you wish to delete backup files when the original file is deleted then tick the "Delete backup files when original is deleted" box. This is not selected by default. If you wish the deleted files are sent to the Recycle Bin, tick the "Delete uses Recycle Bin" in the Application Settings.
Normally, AutoVer will make a copy of a file every time it is saved - even if nothing in the file was changed. If you tick Only copy if content changed, then AutoVer will compare the contents of the new file with the last backup and make a copy only if there is a difference. This will reduce the number of files created in the backup but can have negative performance issues if you are working with large files or on slow media such as network drives. If the file is still locked, then it is treated as changed.
The "Synchronise backup" selection is for asking AutoVer to check that the backup files are all the latest copy. Selecting Never will stop this activity happening automatically (you can still manually start this this from the main screen). If you select Daily or Hourly, then 3 minutes after every time the program starts (but only once a day) or when a removable drive (USB or Firewire drive) is reconnected, AutoVer will check the backup files. If you specify a time (in 24 hour format, hh:mm) then the ensuring process will happen at that time, otherwise it will happen every 24 hours from the watcher start time. For hourly, that happens every hour from the startup time.
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